Distribution : Est du plateau des Guyanes, où il est sympatrique avec
Mimosa annularis var.
xinguensis (Ducke) Barneby 1991: Guyana, Suriname, Guyane française, Amapá, nord Pará; "Climbing in riparian forest, mostly below 100 m, the large fragrant panicles arising obliquely or pendulous from branch-tips; seldom collected: Guyana (no exact station recorded); Surinam (Marowijn and Courantijn valleys); n.-w. Para (upper Trombetas and Paru valleys), centr. Amapa (middle Amapari and Araguari valleys), Brazil; to be expected in French Guiana.—Fl. IX—XII." (Barneby 1991, Barneby
et al. 2011,