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Aspidosperma macrophyllum subsp. morii L.Allorge, 1992

accepté comme Aspidosperma schultesii Woodson, 1951


Date de publication : Bull. Soc. Bot. France, Lett. Bot., 138(4-5): 274-275. 1991 [1991 publ. 1992 fide IK].
Type : "Type: Scott Mori et al. 19167, holo-CAY, iso NY, fl. en alcool, P: Guyane française, Saül, 400 m, 28.8.1988." [protologue].
Guyane française, Saül, La Fumée Mountain trail, near junction of Antenne Nord, non-flooded moist forest, 400 m, 28/08/1988, fleurs. Tree, 22 m x 50 cm. Trunk fenestrate, irregular. Brak rough, with vertical cracks. Slash with alternating orange and yellow bands, bright yellow at cambium. Corolla white. In full flower. White latex in cut twigs. S.A. Mori et al. 19167 (HT: P00077205 [ex CAY-56424]; IT: K000587703, NY [fleurs en alcool], P00639549, U0000478, US00386110, VEN269912, WAG0000107).


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