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Ecclinusa dumetorum (Baehni) T.D.Penn., 1990


Source de la synonymie (de Chrysophyllum dumetorum Baehni, 1952)
Pennington, T. D. 1990. Sapotaceae. Flora Neotropica Monograph, 52: 1-770. [CD_REF = 735517] Ecclinusa dumetorum (Baehni) T.D.Penn., 1990
Statut biogéographique : D'après Pennington (1990): "Known with certainty only from the type locality at Tafelberg, Surinam, where it is an infrequent species of savanna. [...] This species is most likely to be confused with small-leaved specimens of E. guianensis. It differs from this species in the smaller number of arcuate, convergent secondary veins (6-9 pairs), and in the coarse spreading ferruginous pubescence of young shoots and inflorescence. [...] SF 7981 from French Guiana may belong to this species; it has similar leaf shape and venation and indumentum of young parts, but slightly larger leaves and unisexual flowers."


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