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Rudgea cornigera Bremek., 1934


Distribution : Endémique du nord du Suriname et du nord du Guyana (Lachenaud et al. 2022; GBIF).
Taxonomie : D'après Lachenaud et al. 2022: "This species closely resembles Rudgea hostmanniana, and the two have often been regarded as synonyms in herbaria, although the synonymy seems not to have been officially published. Steyermark (1967: 399) in his dichotomous key separated them only by the size of the petiole, supposed to be 2–5 mm in R. hostmanniana and 8–15 mm in R. cornigera. In fact, the two species must have been inverted in the key, since R. cornigera has petioles not exceeding 8 mm in length, usually shorter than those of R. hostmanniana. A detailed study of the material available showed that petiole length is not a reliable character to separate the two taxa; however, more significant differences exist (see Table 1) and R. cornigera should therefore be maintained as a separate species."
Type : Suriname, Watramiri, 22/06/1910 fleurs, B.W. [=Bureau v.h. Boschwezen] 4728 (LT: U0006284 [désigné par J.A. Steyermark, Mem. New York Bot. Gard., 17(1): 416. 1967: 4166) (première étape), et Lachenaud et al., Phytotaxa, 561(3): 227. 12/09/2022 (seconde étape)]; ILT: BR0000024941754, G, MO-797272, MO-797610).


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