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Gonzalagunia surinamensis Bremek., 1934


Distribution : Humid to wet forest at 100-500 m, southeastern Venezuela to Guyana, Surinam, and northern Brazil (Roraima) (C.M. Taylor 2016, Studies in Tropical Rubiaceae; GBIF).
Statut biogéographique : Espèce signalée de Guyane française par C.M. Taylor & J.A. Steyermark (in Berry et al. 2004; ensuite repris par Funk et al. 2007). Nous ne connaissons aucun spécimen guyanais (GBIF, CAY, P).
Taxonomie : D'après C.M. Taylor (2016, Studies in Tropical Rubiaceae): "Gonzalagunia surinamensis is similar to Gonzalagunia dicocca, and these have been confused. However Gonzalagunia dicocca has the leaf undersides glabrescent to densely pubescent, with appressed, strigillose to strigose or sericeous trichomes ofen of varying lengths. These species have been separated also by their calyx lpbe forms, but that varies both within Gonzalagunia surinamensis (e.g., Steyermark, 1972: 312, noted the variation among the duplicates of the type collection of this species) and within Gonzalagunia dicocca. Gonzalagunia surinamensis is also similar to Gonzalagunia ciliata, which however has acute calyx lobes and a habitat at higher elevations and grows in the Andes of northern Venezuela."


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