Type : Brésil, Amapá, Serra do Navío, on Rio Amapari, 4 km N of dining and recreation area of ICOMI, abundant in dense forest, 31/07/1961, fleurs. 3,5 m high, flowers green. J.M. Pires, W. Rodrigues, & G.C. Irvine 50285 (HT:
NY00131150; IT:
Brésil, Amapá, Serra do Navío, lower slopes of observatorio Ore Body, 70-300 m, heavily forested hills, 08/11/1954, fruits. Shrub 1 m tall, fruit white. Cowan 38162 (PT:
Guyana, Tumatumari, dense upland forest, 18/06-08/07/1921. Shrub 5-6 ft. tall. Gleason 469 (PT: ?).
Guyane française, Oyapock, Pedra Alice, in forest shade, common, 17/08/1960, boutons floraux. Shrub 2 m tall; buds white. H.S. Irwin, J.M. Pires & L.Y.Th. Westra 47570 (PT: