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Ficus piresiana Vázq.Avila & C.C.Berg, 1986


Date de publication : Acta Amazon., 14(1(2 Supl.): 207-209, fig.. 1984 [1986].
Description originale : Types: Pires 4335, Brazil, Pará, Belém, IAN (= EMBRAPA) grounds, 10 Oct 1952 (holotype IAN; isotype RB).
Additional collections: Brazil: Pará, Marajó, Aranal, 26 Feb 1900, Huber (HAMP) 1846 (MG); Amapá, Rio Oiapoque, near mouth of Rio Ingarari, 25 Sep 1960, Pires 7789 (IAN); Pará, Belém, Igapó de Mocambo, 4 Nov 1966, Pires 10187 (IAN); Pará, Belém, IAN (= EMBRAPA) grounds, 5 Nov 1945, Pires & Black 576 (IAN); Pará, Belém, Igapó do Catú, 21 Oct 1966, Pires & N.T. Silva 10272 (IAN). French Guiana: piste de St. Elie, Crique Toussaint, 10 Feb 1984, de Foresta 525 (CAY) ; 16 Sep 1984, F. Hallé 3068 (U); Approuague River, between Fini Saut and Crique Parépou, 16 Sep 1968, Oldeman T.140 (CAY, P, U); piste de St. Elie, km 17, 10 Apr 1983, Prévost 1291 (CAY, MPU, P, U); Godebert, Wachenhein 76 (P).
Statut biogéographique : D'après C.C. Berg (Flora of the Guianas, ser. A, 11: 59. 1992): "Note: Some collections (Berg 1565, Caraglio C4-92, and Hallé 3068) made in French Guiana from a group of young trees in Arbocel, piste de St. Elie, suggest the occurence of F. pulchella Schott, a species from East Brazil (Santa Catarina to Maranhão). It differs from F. piresiana, e.g., in the short (up to 1 cm long) petiole with the epidermis flaking off. Only part of the leaves of the young trees mentioned are similar to those of F. pulchella, the other part matches in shape those of F. piresiana."
D'après F. Kjellberg (comm. pers. 18/04/2020): "il y a confusion entre Ficus piresiana et Ficus pulchella. Dans les séries typiques de piresiana de Guyane, l’essentiel, sinon tout, c’est du pulchella."
Type : Brésil, Pará, Belém, IAN (= EMBRAPA) grounds, 10/10/1952, J.M. Pires 4335 (HT: IAN; IT: RB).
Brésil, Pará, Belém, IAN (= EMBRAPA) grounds, 05/11/1945, J.M. Pires & G.A. Black 576 (PT: IAN).
Brésil, Pará, Belém, Igapó de Mocambo, 04/11/1966, J.M. Pires 10187 (PT: IAN).
Brésil, Pará, Belém, Igapó do Catú, 21/10/1966, J.M. Pires & N.T. Silva 10272 (PT: IAN).
Brésil, Pará, Marajó, Aranal, 26/02/1900, J. Huber (HAMP) 1846 (PT: MG).
Brésil, Amapá, Rio Oiapoque, near mouth of Rio Ingarari, 25/09/1960, J.M. Pires 7789 (PT: IAN).
Guyane française, Approuague River, between Fini Saut and Crique Parépou, 16/09/1968, R.A.A. Oldeman T-140 (PT: CAY, P, U).
Guyane française, piste de St. Elie, Crique Toussaint, 10/02/1984, H. de Foresta 525 (PT: CAY).
Guyane française, piste de St. Elie, Crique Toussaint, 16/09/1984, F. Hallé 3068 (PT: U).
Guyane française, piste de St. Elie, km 17, 10/04/1983, M.-F. Prévost 1291 (PT: CAY, MPU, P, U).
Guyane française, Godebert, H. Wachenhein 76 (PT: P).


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