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Macrocentrum fruticosum Gleason, 1935


Date de publication : Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl., 32: 207-208. 1935.
Type : "Type: Stahel 457 (B.W. 7073), collected in the Wilhelmina Mountains of Surinam, alt. 1200 m., and deposited in the Botanisch Museum en Herbarium at Utrecht. Stahel 582 (B.W. 7121), collected in the same region, exhibits three smaller plants from 2 to 3.5 dm. tall. In two of them the leaves are broadly obtuse or subcuneate at base. A third specimen is Hulk 342, collected at an altitude of 600 m. on Mt. ”A,” along the Lucie River. Its stems are barely shrubby; its leaves are lanceolate and conspicuously cordate at base. Flowers are absent, but the excellent fruiting hypanthia are 6 mm. long and deeply 8-sulcate." [protologue].


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