Type : Brésil, Amapá, Oyapock, Roche mon Père, 03°33'N 52°05'W, in soil-filled depression on large granitic outcrop, locally common, 17/08/1960, fleurs. Subshrub. Leaves glutinous. Flowers pink. W.A. Egler 47644 (HT:
US00120128; IT:
Brésil, Amapá, Roche mon Père, 07/1927, fleurs. Blüte rotviolett. Brasilianische Grenzexpedition General Rondon. P. von Lützelburg 20273 (PT:
Brésil, Amapá, Roche mon Père, Auf feuchtem Granit, 07/1927, fleurs. Blüte Violett-rot. Brasilianische Grenzexpedition General Rondon. P. von Lützelburg 20398 (PT:
Brésil, Amapá, Araguari, 20 min en aval de Porto Platón, 0°44'N 51°22'W, on rock in exposed area above flood stage of river, 16/09/1961, fleurs. 50 cm high. Flowers purple-pink. J.M. Pires, W. Rodrigues & G.C. Irvine 50980 (PT:
Brésil, Amapá, Araguari, en aval de Porto Platón, common on exposed rock, 16/09/1961, fleurs. To 30 cm high. Flowers purple. Stems red. J.M. Pires, W. Rodrigues & G.C. Irvine 51143 (PT:
Brésil, Amapá, Oyapock, environs du mont Arupina, gros inselberg entouré de forêt, 03°33'N 51°37'W, 10-80 m, in soil-filled depressions in rock, wholly exposed, abundant, 14/10/1960, fleurs. Herb about 40 cm. Leaves and stems glutinous, fleshy. Largely past flowering stage. Calyx green, the lobes reddish. Corolla lilac. Filaments lilac. Anthers purple-violet with white appendages. J.M. Pires & L.Y.T. Westra 48819 (PT: