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Mezia angelica W.R.Anderson, 1997


Date de publication : Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb., 21: 76-79, f. 5-6. 1997 [20/10/1997, fide p. de titre].
Etymologie : D'après W.R. Anderson (1997, p. 77): "The epithet of this species honors Bobbi Angell (b. 1955), the talented artist who has contributed so much to plant taxonomy in recent years through her graceful drawings."
Type : Guyane française, Saül, La Fumée Mountain Trail, 3°37'N, 53°12'W, S.A. Mori, C. Gracie & M. Rothman 20945 (HT: MICH1102252; IT: CAY, K000488006, NY00039361, U0119309, US00810554).
Guyane française, Saül, La Fumée Mountain Trail, 3°37'N, 53°12'W, Mori et al. 21012 (PT: CAY, MICH1555786, NY00039360).
Guyana, Kamoa River, Clarence Hill, 1°31'N, 58°50'W, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 1738 (PT: MICH, MO, NY, US).
Guyana, Rupununi Distr., between Kuyuwini Landing and Kassikaityu River, 2°00'N, 59°15'W, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 3019 (PT: MICH).
Brésil, Pará, Rio Jarí, Monte Dourado, Cavalcante 3329 (PT: MG, NY).
Brésil, Pará, Rio Jarí, estrada entre Planalto A e Tinguelin, Km 13, N. T. Silva 2785 (PT: IAN, UB).
Brésil, Pará, Rio Jarí, N. T. Silva 2830 (PT: UB).
Brésil, Pará, Tucuruí, margens da PA-149 até o Km 50, Revilla et al. 8310 (PT: INPA).
Brésil, Pará, Santarém, Km 70 da estrada do Palhão, Ramal do Caetetú, M. Silva 2604 (PT: MG, MICH, NY).
Brésil, Amazonas, Distr. Agropecuário, Reserva 1501 (Km 41) da WWF/INPA Projeto da Dinâmica Biológica dos Fragmentos Florestais, 2°24'26''-2°25'3144S, 59°43'50''W, Lepsch da Cunha et al. 342 (PT: MICH).
Brésil, Amazonas, Reserva Florestal Ducke, Manaus-Itacoatiara Km 26, 2°53'S, 59°58'W, Vicentini 1014 (PT: MICH).


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