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Cuphea melvilla Lindl., 1824


Date de publication : Bot. Reg., 10: pl. 852. 1824 [01/12/1824, planche datée, voir aussi TL-2 1625].
Distribution : Espèce très largement répartie de Trinidad, et des Guyanes au nord de l'Argentine, y compris presque l'ensemble de l'Amazonie et du Cerrado; curieusement absente du nord-est des Guyanes (Suriname, Guyane française, nord Amapá, concrètement entre de l'Essequibo et l'Araguari) (GBIF).
Statut biogéographique : Espèce amazonienne, signalée de Guyane française par la Checklist des Plantes des Guyanes (A. Lourteig in Boggan et al. 1992, 1997, Hollowell et al. 2001; Funk et al. 2007), sans échantillon ni source cités. Pas d'autres donnée ni source connus (GBIF, CAY,...). Signalement de Guyane française sans doute lié à l'origine du type (Guyana) et à l'éternelle confusion Guyana/Guyane française...
Type : "Cuphea Melvilla [...] Melvilla speciosa. Anderson in journal of Arts and Sciences. [...]
This fine plant is a native of swamps in Guiana, and in Fort Zeland, Island of Essequebo, whence it was introduced to the Botanic Garden, St. Vincent's, by the late Dr. Anderson, who considered it a particular genus, and named it after his friend General Melville, at that time commander of the forces upon the island. To that officer, and to Dr. Young, who was Staff-Surgeon at the time, the late garden at St. Vincent's owed its origin.
We do not perceive any character, beyond the absence of petals, by which Melvilla can be distinguished from Cuphea; to one species of which, C. Jorullensis of Kunth, which is also apetalous, it seems to be nearly related.
For the introduction of this plant to our gardens the public is indebted to the exsertions of Mr. Jams M'Crae, lately employed upon the establishment of the St. Vincent's garden, and now upon a mission to the Sandwich Islands, in the service of the Horticultural Society. Our drawing was made in the stove of the Comtesse de Vandes. We have examined authentic specimens from Dr. Anderson, in the Herbarium of Mr. Lambert. J.L." [protologue].
Guyana, basse Essequibo, Fort Zealand, marais, cultivé au Jardin Botanique de St. Vincent (Petites Antilles), A. Anderson (HT?: BR0000005851256 [comm. Lambert 1826, det. J. Lindley; ex hb. Mart.]).
Origine inconnue [spécimen cultivé en Angleterre à partir des plantes du jardin botanique de St. Vincent envoyées par M'Crae?], "(JL v.) [John Lindley vidit?]", anonyme s.n. (ST?: BR0000005851188 [comm. 1826, det. J. Lindley; ex hb. Mart.?!]).


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