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Inga rhynchocalyx Sandwith, 1948


Statut biogéographique : Pennington (1997) indique une répartition large (mais très locale) en Amazonie, alors que d'après Poncy (in Barneby et al. 2011) cette espèce aurait une répartition restreinte aux Guyanes: "Rare species, known only from the Guianas and adjacent Venezuela; the ecology is unclear; the few samples studied were collected either in dense greenheart-Mora rainforest in Guyana, in dense rainforest of C French Guiana or in xeromorphic forest on stony soil in Suriname (GU: 3; SU: 2; FG: 3). [...] Note: Inga rhynchocalyx belongs to the series Acuminatae (a group of species with an acuminate calyx, included in Pilosulae sensu Pennington 1997); it has close affinities with I. acuminata Benth. of C. America, Venezuela and Trinidad, which has much smaller flowers and leaves. The specimen Fanshawe 2348 = FD 5084 from Guyana is placed here with hesitation because of its different foliar rachis (not winged, the nectaries larger and flattened)."


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