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Croton macradenis Görts & Punt, 1983

accepté comme Croton sipaliwinensis Lanj., 1940


Distribution : Trois Guyanes (GBIF).
Taxonomie : D'après Riina et al. (2021): "When Croton macradenis was described, it was distinguished from C. sipaliwinensis mainly by its longer acropetiolar glands and somewhat larger leaves, but gland length varies almost continuously between the two, and leaf size is similarly variable. They share an unusually low number of stamens (five or six), interrupted thryrses, sylleptic branching, glabrous ovaries, bifid styles, and the coarsely dentate or biserrate leaves, so there is little reason to recognize them as separate species in this case."​
Type : Guyane française, Sinnamary, Piste de St.-Elie, 09/06/1978, J.-J. de Granville B-5470 (HT: CAY-33539; IT: P-77218, P-77219, U-1892, US-432892).


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