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Chromolaena maximiliani (Schrad. ex DC.) R.M.King & H.Rob., 1981


Date de publication : Phytologia, 49(1): 4. 1981.
Distribution : Taxon particulièrement méconnu, essentiellement sud-est brésilien? (GBIF, Flora do Brasil 2020).
Orthographe : Publié comme "maximilianii" orth. var. D'après IPNI: ""maximiliani" derived from maximus (via Maximilianus), a Latinized form."
Statut biogéographique : Espèce initialement signalée de Guyane française sur la base de l'un des syntypes de Eupatorium maximiliani var. hispidulum DC. 1836 ("in Guianâ Gallicâ (Perr.!)"). A première vue la plante collectée par Perrottet ne semble pas vraiment différente de Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob. 1970... Il existe aussi un spécimen identifié C. maximiliani (Schrad. ex DC.) R.M.King & H.Rob. 1981 de la région de Cayenne (10/05/1921, fleurs, W.E. Broadway 147, US00600884).
Taxonomie : D'après Oliveira (2015 in Flora do Brasil 2020): "C. maximiliani is characterized mainly by the leaves serrate along the entire margin, eglandular in the abaxial surface and by the capitula in general with more than 30 florets. This species is very similar to C. odorata, what tends to cause countless identification problems between both. Many specimens form a morphological continuum between both species, and many potentially informative characters tend to overlap, what greatly difficult their identification. C. maximiliani tends to be more shruby in habit and to have leaves usually more membranaceous, bigger and with serrate margins along the entire length of the leaf. This species also never has glandular hairs on the leaves nor on the involucral bracts, unlike C. odorata."


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