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Capparis guaguaensis Steyerm., 1951

accepté comme Capparidastrum osmanthum (Diels) Cornejo & Iltis, 2008


Source de la synonymie
Cornejo, X. & Iltis, H. H. 2007. The reinstatement of Capparidastrum (Capparaceae). Harvard Papers in Botany, 13(2): 229-236. [CD_REF = 852965] Capparidastrum osmanthum (Diels) Cornejo & Iltis, 2008
Date de publication : Fieldiana, Bot. 28(1): 238. 1951.
Type : Venezuela, Sucre, above valley of Cumanacoa, above Cuchivano, along Rio Guagua (tributary to Rio Manzanares), 230-300 m, 18/05/1945. tree 60-80 feet tall; leaves firmly membranaceous, deep dark green above, silvery green below; fruit edible, pendent, ovoid, 5-6 cm. long, 3-4 cm. broad, pale yellow, soft; pulp edible, sweetish, gray white; seeds blackish, shining. J.A. Steyermark 62800 (HT: F0053116F, F0053117F; IT: VEN29334).


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