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Xylopia pulcherrima Sandwith, 1930


Date de publication : Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, 1930(10): 477-478. 1930 [04/12/1930].
Distribution : Guyana, Suriname, Guyane française (GBIF).
Type : Guyana, Moraballi Creek (bassin de l'Essequibo, près de Bartica), mixed forest, 15/10/1929, fleurs. Middle-sized tree up to about 90 ft., with small flange buttresses. Bark reddish-brown. Branches ferrugineous-hairy. Leaves greyish-silvery sericeous beneath. Sepals brownish-sericeous. Buds greenish-yellow sericeous. Petals very beautiful, pure white, opening freely, the outer sometimes with a central longitudinal flush of pink in the lower third. Vernacular name (Arawak), Red Kuyama. N.Y. Sandwith 456 (HT: K000221091, K000221092; IT: B100242282, NY00066773, P00202511, RB00534173, S-R-6868, U0000444, US00098785).


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