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Xylopia parviflora Spruce, 1860


Date de publication : J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot., 5: 6. 1861 [1861 publ. 1860 fide IK].
Distribution : Amazonie, répandue dans la région occidentale (de la Bolivie à la Colombie), localement jusqu'en Guyane française (GBIF).
Homonymie : non X. parviflora (A.Rich.) Benth. 1862 [≡ Uvaria parviflora A.Rich. 1831; = Xylopia longipetala De Wild. & T.Durand 1899] (Sénégal)!
Taxonomie : D'après Maas et al. (2023, sub "Xylopia sp. aff. parviflora"): "The specimens from Guyana, because of the rusty brown hairs of the twigs, the emarginate leaves, and the strongly and obliquely wrinkled monocarps, resemble those of Xylopia parviflora, as species originally described from southern Venezuela. The specimens studied, from Guyana and French Guiana, do not key well to that species in Steyermark et al. (1995), because of their non-angled broadly cuneate to rounded leaf bases and larger fruits. It is possible that these specimens may prove to represent a distinct species, but the X. emarginata group is sufficiently variable that comprehensive study is needed before taxonomic conclusions can be made. Xylopia emarginata and similar species tend to be plants of riparian and gallery forest, whereas these specimens are from an upland site."​​
Type : "X. parviflora, Pl. Am. 3678 (San Carlos), the most beautiful of the genus, grows 60 feet high, and has a dense pyramidal head of four times pinnate branches." [protologue].
Venezuela, Amazonas, San Carlos de Río Negro, fréquent en forêt haute, 10/1854, fleurs. Arbor gracilis elegans 60 pedalis, apicem versus ramosissima, ramis sub[illegible] in planum ramulosis 4-pinnatis. Flores albescentes. R. Spruce 3678 (HT: K000221096 [ex hb. Benth.]; IT: B100242286, BM000554091, BR, G00226126, G00226127, GOET000137, K000221097 [ex hb. Hook.], LE00006689, MG019388, NY00066766, P00734910, P00734911, S-R-7418 [ex LD], TCD0000866, W).
Validité : A par le passé été considéré comme un nom. nud., mais sa description bien que spartiate est maintenant considérée comme suffisante pour valider la publication de ce binôme (voir notamment Maas et al . 1986). En conséquence les noms de remplacements Xylopicrum neglectum Kuntze 1891 et Xylopia neglecta R.E.Fr. 1900 sont maintenant traités comme des noms illégitimes car superflus.


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