Type : "In marginibus fossarum udarum prope Catumby, non procul ad urbe Rio de Janeiro." [protologue].
Brésil, Rio de Janeiro, "Invenitur in marginibus fossarum udarum prope Catumby, non procul ab urbe Rio de janeiro" [Raddi, 1823], "
Panicum sulcatum Bert. Excerpt. de re herb. p.14 n.14 // Attulit ex Brasilia et benevole communicavit D. Raddi sub nominee
Panici plicati. 1820." [scripsit: A. Bertoloni on BOLO] (LT: BOLO [photo:
fig. 7 in Baldini, Taxon, 55(2): 479-480. 05/2006; désigné par O. Morrone
et al., Syst. Bot. Monogr., 96:
121. 2014]; ILT: PI [2 planches], FI [3 planches]).
D'après Baldini (Taxon, 55(2):
479-480, fig. 7. 05/2006): "Raddi (1823: 50) based his
Setaria sulcata on
Panicum sulcatum Bertol., nom. ill. hom., published by Bertoloni (1820), on the basis of the Raddi collection detailed above. It follows that the name
Setaria sulcata Raddi, although intended as a new combination, may be treated as a nomen novum for
Panicum sulcatum Bertol., under Art. 58.1 of the ICBN (Greuter & al., 2000). Under Art. 7.3, the specimen, used by Bertoloni and housed in the Herbarium Bertolonii (BOLO!) is considered to be the holotype of
Setaria sulcata Raddi.
There are also isotypes of
Setaria sulcata Raddi (≡
Panicum sulcatum Bertol.) at FI, consisting of three sheets. All of these specimens have spikelets similar to the holotype. Two of them also have narrow-lanceolate leaf-blades, as does the holotype. The other specimen has leaf-blades 42–43 × 3.7–4.3 cm, much bigger than those in the other specimens of
Setaria sulcata Raddi from FI and PI. The leaves of this latter specimen resemble those of the isotype of
Panicum elongatum Poir. [=
Setaria poiretiana (Schult.) Kunth] seen by the present authors at FI-Webb!, which consists of only one leaf-blade, 43 × 4 cm, an inflorescence 29 × 2.5 cm, and lanceolate spikelets, 4–4.2 × 1–1.1 mm, with glumes more acute than
Setaria sulcata Raddi."