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Arberella flaccida (Döll) Soderstr. & C.E.Calderón, 1979


Distribution : Espèce rare et mal-connue, citée d'Amazonie (rio Vaupés [type!)], Rondônia et Mato Grosso) ainsi que d'une donnée pas entièrement confirmée du haut Maroni (Judziewicz 1990, Judziewicz et al., Novon, 1(2): 77-78. 1991, GBIF, Flora do Brasil 2020).
Statut biogéographique : En Guyane française, espèce connue d'une seule donnée: Guyane française/Suriname, haut Litany, village Taïna, 03/01/1956, fertile, J. Hoock 356/88 (P01783247, P01783248 [Arberella flaccida (Döll) Soderstr. & C.E.Calderón 1979 vel. aff., det. E.J. Judziewicz 09/1985]). D'après Judziewicz (1990): "Note: Variable; plants from the upper Rio Negro basin, including the type, have leaves with glabrous pseudopetioles and blades less than 1 cm wide, while the Guianas collection and those from Rondônia and Mato Grosso, Brazil (e.g., Irwin & Soderstrom 6766) are more robust plants with pubescent pseudopetioles and blades 1-1.5 cm wide. One of the two duplicates of Hoock 88 is unusual in that one of the inflorescences examined in the genus there is only one, terminal female spikelet present in each inflorescence."


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