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Philodendron hylaeae G.S.Bunting, 1975


Type : Venezuela, T.F.Amazonas, Pueblo Viejo, open zone between the Rio Pacimoni and the forest, 100 m, 01.50N, 66.30W, 08/04/1970, fleurs. Leaves 3 lobed, spathe 14 cm long tube 7 cm long, green outside with fuchsia color line at base, inside white in upper portion, becoming wine purple or deep cherry red in lower half, spadix 12 cm long, free stipe 7 mm adaxially, pistillate parte 4.3 cm long sterile staminate part 2 cm long pistillate diam. 1.5 cm. J.A. Steyermark & G.S. Bunting 102495 (HT: VEN90845; IT: MY).


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