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Heteropsis spruceana Schott, 1856


Date de publication : Aroideae, 1(4): 27. 1853 [1856-1857, fide TL-2, 11042]. Aroideae, 1(6): t. 60. 1853 [avant le 15/08/1857, fide TL-2, 11042].
Description originale : 3. H[eteropsis] Spruceana Schtt. foliis lanceolatis, longe acuminatis, basi rotundatis l. obtusis, petiolo subnullo, stipello spadicis brevissimo (Tab. 60.)
Synon. Heteropsis affinis salicifoliae. Coll. R. Spruce Nr. 2174.
Habit. in Brasilia boreali. (Rio Negro Spruce in Herb. Boissieri.)
Type : Brésil, Amazonas, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Caatingas, frequent, 03/1852, fleurs et fruits. "Stem slender (I enclose a portion) rather brittle, branching, & putting forth here & there slender radicles which clasp the trunks, chiedly of the smaller trees (not exceeding 15 ft in height), & often kill them; while its leafy ramuli form a verdant crown to the dead trunk. Spathes & spadices creamed, the former very deciduous. This is one of the Timbó-titícas, so useful as cordage, but there is a better sort of the Caá-oaçú (great forest)" (Spruce, voir K000524008 ex hb. Benth.). R. Spruce 2174 (HT: G00098038 [ex hb. Boiss.]; IT: C10006353, E00319731, G00098039 [ex hb. Delessert], GH00028695, K000524007 [ex hb. Hook.], K000524008 [ex hb. Benth.], LE00001017, P00725263, P00725264, P00725265, S05-5652, S-R-2868).


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