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Gnetum nodiflorum Brongn., 1829


Date de publication : Voy. Monde, Phan. (7): 12. 1829 [07/1829, fide TL-2, 1578].
Description originale : 6. Gnetum nodiflora, caule...... foliis obovato-oblongis, acutis, integerrimis; amentis masculis 4-5 pollicibus longioribus, verticillis globosis, pollice distantioribus; floribus femineis......; seminibus.......
Hab. in Guianâ. (Poiteau).
Taxonomie : "Gnetum nodiflorum and G. schwackeanum are sister to the remaining South American species. It is not clear from our results that they represent two separate species: G. schwackeanum is nested within G. nodiflorum. However, the species differ morphologically. Gnetum nodiflorum has smooth bark (Stevenson, 1999) and leaves that are dark green also when dry (Markgraf, 1929, 1965), whereas the bark of G. schwackeanum has prominent wings of cork (Stevenson, 1999) and leaves that may turn slightly black when dry (Markgraf, 1965). We have confirmed the identification of our specimen of G. schwackeanum (originally made by D. Stevenson), and a revision of these taxa may be needed." (Hou et al., Taxon, 64(2): 239-253. 2015).
Type : Guyane française, fleurs mâles, P.A. Poiteau (HT: ).


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