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Dulacia Vell., 1825


Taxonomie : D'après Christenhusz et al. (Global Fl., 4: 143. 2018): "Olax L. is divided into four sections based on the number of fertile stamens and staminodes: sect. Pentandrae Engl. (5-6 stamens and 3 staminodes), sect. Hemiandrae Engl. (6 stamens and 6 staminodes), sect. Triandrae Engl. (3 stamens and 5 staminodes), and sect. Estaminodiales Engl. (6 stamens, staminodes lacking). Neotropical Dulacia Vell. was mainly distinguished from paleotropical Olax by distyly and is embedded in Olax. Dulacia have three fertile stamens and six staminodes and this is not so different from the great staminal variation that is found in Olax. We hereby make the necessary combinations."


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