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Rehia Fijten, 1975


Date de publication : Blumea, 22(3): 416. 1975.
Description originale : Representatives of several related genera were studied, as well as the literature of those of which no material was available. Among the latter was a genus described as Bulbulus by Swallen (1964). This name is inadmissable under the Code, as it is a technical term, comparable to Radicula, which is given as an example in the pertinent article (Art.20). It can furthermore be considered as an orthographic variant and thus a later homonym of Bulbilis Raf. (1819) and therefore to be rejected also (Art.64). A new name is required and is proposed here: Rehia* Fijten, nom. nov., based on Bulbulus Swallen, Phytologia 11 (1964) 154, non Bulbilis Raf.(1819), with as the only species R. nervata (Swallen) Fijten comb. nov. (B. nervatus Swallen, l.c.).
Etymologie : "This genus is dedicated to Dr. R.E. Holttum, Kew, on occasion of his 80th birthday in recognition of his interest in and work on the bamboos" (Fijten 1975).
Taxonomie : Monotypique, du Maranhão au Guyana.
Type : Bulbulus nervatus Swallen 1964 [≡ Rehia nervata Fitjen 1975] (Brésil, Maranhão).
Nom nouveau, validement publié, basé sur la description de Bulbulus Swallen 1964, nom. inval.


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