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Tamonea Aubl., 1775


Date de publication : Hist. Pl. Guiane 2: 659-660, t. 268. 1775 [06-12/1775, fide TL-2, 206].
Homonymie : non Tamonea Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guiane 1: 440-441, t. 175. 1775, nom. inval. [≡ Fothergilla Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guiane 1: 440-441, t. 175. 1775, nom. illeg. hom.] (type: Miconia mirabilis (Aubl.) L.O. Williams 1963, Melastomataceae)!
Sous Fothergilla mirabilis, Howard (J. Arnold Arb. 64: 270-271. 1983) fait une synthèse des conséquences nomenclaturales du double emploi originel du genre Tamonea par Aublet:
"Fothergilla mirabilis (1:441. Index, p. 13 (admirabilis). t. 175 (mirabilia)) Melastomataceae = Miconia mirabilis (Aublet) L.O.Williams.
Gleason (in Pulle, 3(1): 243. 1935) noted that some copies of Histoire des Plantes de la Guiane Françoise used Tamonea guianensis, and he accepted Miconia guianensis (Aublet) Cogn. without indicating that other copies used Fothergilla mirabilis in the text and on the plate. Louis Williams (Fieldiana Bot. 29: 574, 575. 1963) noted, "In the same work (2: 659-660, t. 268. 1775) he [Aublet] published another Tamonea in the Verbenaceae. It seems probable that he 'discovered' that he had described two genera with the name Tamonea and changed one of them while the work was going through the press. It seems quite clear that he changed the name of the Melastome to Fothergilla mirabilis and that he should be followed in this. Indicative that his intent was this is that the name Tamonea guianensis does not appear in the index of scientific names but Fothergilla mirabilis does— as F. admirabilis".
Henrey (1975, p. 6) noted that several pages of the original printing were changed, as indicated by the asterisk used in the binder's instructions. This resulted from the replacement of the first Tamonea with the name Fothergilla, which proves to be a later homonym. Unaltered copies are in the libraries of the British Museum (Natural History) and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and presumably some are to be found in Paris. Aublet did not change the use of the name Tamonea for a member of the Verbenaceae. Schreber (1789, p. 19) substituted the name Ghinia for the verbenaceous plant. This Moldenke (Phytologia 47: 409. 1981) has adopted with the argument, "Regardless of Aublet's later attempt to 'cancel out' the earlier publication by substituting "Fothergilla'' for it and maintain the name for the verbenaceous group, under the present Code of Botanical Nomenclature he was not justified in so doing. Without formal conservation, the later homonym must be rejected, even though Miconia Ruiz & Pavon (1794) has since officially been conserved over the melastomataceous Tamonea of Aublet (1775) and in spite of the assertion by Green (1935) that the name Tamonea Aubl. (Verbenaceae) stands without conservation.'" It can be argued that since Tamonea (Melastomataceae) is a rejected name, this clears the way for Tamonea to be used in the Verbenaceae, as Aublet clearly intended—or that the name Tamonea (Melastomataceae) was not validly published because it was "not accepted by the author in the original publication" (Article 34.1 of the Code). Also overlooked is the fact that Buc'hoz (PI. Nouv. Découv. p. 9. t. 7. 1779) recognized early that Fothergilla was a later homonym and proposed the name Lieutautia mirabilis (Aublet) Buc'hoz for that species."
Type : Tamonea spicata Aubl. 1775.


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