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Coccocypselum P.Browne, 1756


Date de publication : Civ. Nat. Hist. Jamaica 144, t. 6, f. 1. 1756 [10/03/1756, fide TL-2, 842].
Orthographe : Décrit comme "Coccocipsilum" mais orthographe conservée comme "Coccocypselum" [orth. cons.]!
Type : Type conservé [typ. cons.]: Coccocypselum repens Sw. 1788, nom. illeg. superfl. [≡ Coccocypselum herbaceum Aubl. 1775] (Jamaïque).
D'après C.M. Taylor (2010, in Tropicos): "Typ. cons. However not the correct name for this species and apparently chosen without a broad consideration of the nomenclatural situation: no explanation or justification was published as a proposal for the conservation of this type, this was one of hundreds of names and types that Rickett, Stafleu, & Committee edited and had approved by the Nomenclature Section and then the 1959 Montreal Congress before they were even published; Reg. Veg. 14: 79, 1959 explains that no proposal for these conserved names and types was published, Reg. Veg. 20: 32-33, 1960 explains that the group of conserved names with Coccocypselum would be presented to and studied by the Nomenclature Section after the Congress, and Taxon 9: 118, 1960 was the first publication of this conserved type, with information identical to current Appendix III of ICBN (i.e., no explanation or discussion). Thus, the older name Coccocypselum herbaceum should be used for this species, and for the type of this genus."


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