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Poulsenia Eggers, 1898


Date de publication : Bot. Centralbl., 73(3): 49[bis]-50[-51], tab.. 1898 [11/01/1898].
Taxonomie : D'après C.C. Berg (2001): "The genus probably consists of two species, Poulsenia armata, ranging from Mexico through the Andean region to Bolivia, and another species, found in French Guiana, but not yet described, as only sterile materials is available. [...]
2. Poulsenia sp.
Tree, to 25 m tall. Leafy twigs 2-5 mm thick, sparsely and minutely puberulous and with straight to slighty curved prickles. Lamina obovate to oblanceolate, 6-25 x 2-10 cm; apex acuminate to caudate; base acute; margin aculeate; both surfaces glabrous, with prickles on the main veins beneath; lateral veins 4-8 pairs; tertiary venation scalariform; petiole 0.7-1.5 cm long; stipules 1.5-3 cm long, coriaceous, with sparse brown pluricellular hairs, aculeate, caducous. Inflorescences unknown.
Specimens examined. FRENCH GUIANA. Région de Paul Isnard, along trail Citron-Mt. Décou Décou, 10 Sep 1983 (st), Cremers 8207 (BG); région de Paul Isnard, base of Mt. Lucifer, 2 km N of Citron, 9 Nov 1982 (st), Granville 5237 (BG); région Paul Isnard, Citron, 15 Feb 1995 (st), Loubry 2022 (BG); région Paul Isnard, Barthélémy Cr., 20 Feb 1995 (st), Loubry 2097 (BG).
The sterile material examined belongs without doubt to Poulsenia and likely represents an additional species of this genus."
Note: cette nouvelle espèce a enfin été collectée fertile (c. 2015) par Biotope lors de l'étude d'impact pour le projet minier de la montagne d'or. Emile Fonty & Julien Engel ont récemment étudié ces collectes fertiles et ont conclu que pour le moment il n'était finalement guère possible de distinguer le taxon guyanais de Poulsenia armata (Miq.) Standl. 1933 (E. Fonty, com. pers., 08/02/2024).
Type : Poulsenia aculeata Eggers 1898 [= P. armata (Miq.) Standl. 1933] (Equateur, Manabí).


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