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Rhexia viminea D.Don, 1822

accepté comme Pleroma vimineum (D.Don) D.Don, 1823


Date de publication : Bot. Reg., 8: t. 664. 1822 [01/11/1822, fide planche].
Type : "Drawn last summer in the hothouse of the Botanic Garden of Comtesse des Vandes at Bayswater; where the plant has been now first introduced from the Brazils. [...] Samples of the present species, brought by Sir George Staunton from the Brazils, are preserved in the Banksian and Lambertian Herbariums. [...] Don MSS." [protologue].
Brésil, cultivé dans le jardin de la Comtesse des Vandes (Bayswater, Londres), 07-08/1821, fleurs et fruits, D. Don s.n. (LT: t. 664 in Bot. Reg., 8. 1822 [désigné par Guimarães et al., Taxon, 68(5): 991. 30/12/2019]; ILT: ? [ex hb. Lambert]? non préparé?).
Brésil, G. Staunton (ST: BM [ex hb. Banks], ? [ex hb. Lambert]).


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