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Lycopodium meridionale Underw. & F.E.Lloyd, 1906

accepté comme Pseudolycopodiella meridionalis (Underw. & F.E.Lloyd) Holub, 1983 var. meridionalis


Source de la synonymie
Øllgaard, B., Boudrie, M. & Cremers, G. 2020. The Lycopodiaceae of Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. Phytotaxa, 433(2): 101-134. [CD_REF = 707153] Lycopodiella caroliniana var. meridionalis (Underw. & F.E.Lloyd) B.Øllg. & P.G.Windisch, 1987
Date de publication : Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 33(2): 121-122. 1906 [02/1906, fide p. de titre].
Description originale : Carolinianum group [...]
Sporangia depressed-renate; under leaves ovate, acute. 37. L. meridionale.
Sporangia round-renate; under leaves lanceolate. L. carolinianum.
37. Lycopodium meridionale sp. nov.
A small close-creeping, sparingly branched plant with solitary upright strobilary branches. Creeping stems up to 40 cm. or more long, 1-1.5 mm. thick, with occasional short (2-4 cm.) lateral branches; leaves strongly dimorphic, those of the two under rows appearing lateral, 5 mm. long by 2 mm. wide, ovate, acuminate, falcate, the midrib curved asymmetrically and parallel to the proximal leaf-margin; leaves of the upper four rows subulate, spreading, 3.5 mm. long by 1 mm. wide; upright branches (peduncles) 8-26 cm. long, oftener rising from the short prostrate branches, with whorls of subulate spreading scale-like leaves with parallel margins or slightly contracted below the middle, entire or slightly erose near the base; strobiles 2.5-8 cm. long; sporophyls 2 mm. wide by 4 mm. long, triangular, contracted at the middle and subulate above, spreading, the margins entire above, erose below the middle, those of the same level not contiguous.
Range: Probably widely distributed through the tropics of meridional America. Specimens have been examined as follows:
Porto Rico: Dry savannahs, Luquillo Mountains, Percy Wilson 94 (type) (two sheets); Sintenis 1544.
Cuba: Wright 1819.
Dominica: Laudat, high wet turf, Boiling Lake, Lloyd 316.
Guiana Wet ground, Essequibo, Jenman (two sheets).
Brazil: San Carlos and Rio Negro, Spruce 3039; Moritiba, Blanchet 3470.
(Lycopodium carolinianum L., ranging from New Jersey to Texas, is not found outside of the Southern States, and is introduced in the above synopsis for comparison only.)
Type : Puerto Rico, [Río Grande?], Luquillo Mountains, dry savannahs, 10/07/1902, P. Wilson 94 (HT: NY00126960, NY00126961; IT: US00135527, US01285775).
Puerto Rico, Sierra de Naguabo ad Rio Blanco, 08/11/1886, P. E. E. Sintenis 1544 (PT: US).
Cuba, C.C. Wright 1819 (PT: ?).
Petites Antilles Dominique, Laudat, high wet turf, Boiling Lake, F.E. Lloyd 316 (PT: ?).
Guyana, Essequibo, wet ground, Jenman (PT: ?).
Brazil: San Carlos and Rio Negro, Spruce 3039; Moritiba, Blanchet 3470 (PT: ?).


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