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Euptychium setigerum subsp. austro-caledonicum (Besch.) Düring, 1977

accepté comme Garovaglia setigera subsp. austrocaledonica (Besch.) W.R.Buck, C.J.Cox, A.J.Shaw & Goffinet, 2005


Source de la synonymie
Buck, W. R., Cox, C. J., Shaw A. J. & Goffinet, B. 2004. Ordinal relationships of pleurocarpous mosses, with special emphasis on the Hookeriales. Systematics and Biodiversity, 2(2): 121-145. : 140 [CD_REF = 670700] Garovaglia setigera subsp. austrocaledonica (Besch.) W.R.Buck, C.J.Cox, A.J.Shaw & Goffinet, 2005


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