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Partula sinistralis Garrett, 1884

accepté comme Partula otaheitana (Bruguière, 1792)


Source de la synonymie
Gerlach, J. 2016. Icons of evolution: Pacific Island tree-snails, family Partulidae. Phelsuma Press. 1-334. : 115 [CD_REF = 653167] Partula otaheitana sinistrorsa Garrett, 1884
Nomenclature : "Partula sinistralis, Pease, MS" is cited in the synonymy of P. otaheitana by Garrett (1884: 47) and is thus not available by this time. This author precise : "After passing to the westward of the range of the typical sinistrorsa, which presents the same features for a distance of ten or twelve miles, it suddenly exhibits a tendency to a change in its becoming more stunted, more solid, always dentated, and the bands, one to three, are sharply defined on a pale ground. It is the sinistralis of Pease, MS., and occupies two valleys". Pilsbry (1909) considered the name available as he established Partula nodosa laeva as a new name to solve the homonymy of Partula nodosa var. sinistralis Mayer, 1902. However, he did not use it as a valid name. Thus Crampton (1917) was the first to make this name available under the form "Partula otaheitana sinistralis Pease"; authority must be attributed to Garrett, 1884.


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