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Partula otaheitana var. dubia Garrett, 1884

accepté comme Partula affinis Pease, 1868


Localité type : Tahiti ("In a valley several miles from Papinoo")
Nomenclature : According to Pilsbry (1909: 189), "The var. dubia was not defined by Pease, but only mentioned as a form of varia, in P. Z. S. 1864, p. 675. Its first published definition was in Garrett's note". Garrett (1884) did not include formely the variety dubia Pease MS in the synonymy of Partula otaheitana but wrote under that species (page 49): "In a valley several miles from Papinoo I found a small colony of affinis which were marked by three transverse reddish chestnut bands like lignaria. And most singular, no other banded specimens of affinis occurred to my notice in any other part of the island. This is the variety dubia Pse., by Carpenter erroneously referred to varia." Thus Pilsbry, by employing this name as a valid one, has made it available, and the authority must be attributed to Garrett, 1884. However, Gerlach (2016) retains Partula affinis var. dubia 'Pease', Carpenter in Pease, 1865: 675.
Remarques : The figure by Garrett (1884: pl. 3 fig. 80) labeled as "Partula dubia, Garr." does not refer to this species but to Partula faba. "Partula dubia, Garrett MS" was cited by Garrett (1884: 57) in the synonymy of P. faba and thus is a nomen nudum.


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