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Spondias dulcis Parkinson, 1773


Autorité : Parfois citée comme "Sol. ex Parkinson" mais dans le protologue Parkinson n'attribue pas ce nom à Solander!
Date de publication : J. Voy. South Seas 39. 1773 [07/1773, fide TL-2: 7344].
Distribution : D'après Mitchell & Daly (2015), originaire d'Asie/Océanie et cultivé pour son fruit sur toute la ceinture tropicale.
Type : Tahiti, s. d., leg. Banks & Solander, Capt. Cook s.n. (LT: BM000793200 [désigné par A.C. Smith, Fl. Fidji, 3: 453. 1985]; ILT?: BM000793201; Illustration originale: BM).
Validité : D'après Mitchell & Daly (2015): "The earliest effective publication of Spondias dulcis is by Parkinson (J. Voy. South Seas, 1773), a botanical artist who accompanied Banks and Solander in Captain Cooks’s first expedition to the Southern oceans. A later publication of this name by G. Forster (Pl. Esc. 33. 1786) is considered an isonym as it is based on the same type as Parkinson’s name. Spondias cytherea Sonn. was once considered the earliest valid name of this species, on the basis that the names in Parkinson’s publication were considered invalidly published (Airy Shaw and Forman 1967). A more recent examination of Parkinson’s work has shown S. dulcis to be a valid name and therefore to have priority over S. cytherea (Fosberg 1960). Following this argument, Smith (1985) lectotypified S. dulcis with a collection considered the voucher of Parkinson’s illustration of this species (and therefore a typotype)."


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