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Phyllanthus caroliniensis subsp. guianensis (Klotzsch) G.L.Webster, 1955


Date de publication : Contr. Gray Herb., 176: 46. 1955 [01/04/1955, fide p. de titre].
Distribution : Du Nicaragua et de Hispaniola au Brésil et au Paraguay; marais et savanes, 0-500 m  (Webster 2002, GBIF).
Taxonomie : The status of this taxon remains equivocal. It could be recognized as a distinct species because of its perennial habit; on the other hand, it approaches P. montevidensis except for its monoecious flower production (Webster 2002, sub Phyllanthus caroliniensis subsp. guianensis (Klotzsch) G.L.Webster 1955).


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