Taxonomie : D'après Molino
et al. (Adansonia, 44(26):
[345-]606[-903]. 13/12/2022): "Govaerts
et al. (2008) provisionally placed
E. sinemariensis in synonymy under
E. coffeifolia. The species known as
E. coffeifolia is a very common understorey tree in the forests of Northern French Guiana, and its red, edible and fleshy cherry-sized berries are frequently seen. It would therefore have been surprising if Aublet had never encountered it. Leaves from the type of
E. sinemariensis at LINN (
LINN-HS 883.12) match perfectly with
E. coffeifolia, and its fruit was compared by Aublet to the azerola (
Malpighia emarginata Sessé & Moc. ex DC.), i.e. a red, cherry-sized fleshy berry. Aublet’s specimen filed as
E. arivoa at BM (
BM000953762) and labelled by Amshoff “Type of
Eug. sinemariensis Aubl. ???”, is actually
Mouriri sagotiana Triana, probably from the same collection as the lower part of the supposed original material of
Eugenia arivoa Aubl. (
Type : "J'ai trouvé cet arbrisseau sur le bord de la riviere de Sinémari, à environ quarante lieues de son embouchure. Il étoit en fleur & en fruit dans le mois de Novembre. Cet arbrisseau est appellé MARIRAOU par les Galibis." [protologue].
Guyane française, Aublet s.n. (T?:
BM000953762 [photo: NY neg. NS 368; "type of
Eug. sinemariensis??? The specimen is evidently identical with
Eug. arivoa Aubl." G.J.H. Amshoff 10/1947],
LINN-HS 883.12).
D'après G.J.H. Amshoff (Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl., 42(1):
20. 1950): "This species was identified by Grisebach, Fl. Br. W. Ind. (1860) p.
238 with
E. marowijnensis Miq. (XI 7); by Berg in Linnaea XXX (1861) p.
684 with (a form of)
E. coffeifolia DC. (XI 5). Judging from Aublet’s figure the latter interpretation is probably correct; Urban in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. XIX (1895) p.
660 also arrived at this conclusion. The type has apparently not been preserved; see the remarks on
E. Arivoa Aubl."