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Psychotria herbacea Jacq., 1760

accepté comme Geophila repens (L.) I.M.Johnst., 1949


Date de publication : Enum. Syst. Pl. 16. 1760 [08-09/1760, fide TL-2, 3241]. Voir aussi Jacquin, Select. Stirp. Amer. Hist. 66, t. 46. 1763 [05/01/1763, fide TL-2, 3243].
Type : "3. Psychotria herbacea. herbacea; caule repente. Rheede Mal. 10.  t. 21 [Rheede, Hort. Malab. 10: 41, t. 21. 1690 (fide TL-2: 1223). Inde, Malabar]." [protologue].
"3. Psychotria (herbacea) herbacea; caule repente. TAB. XLVI.
Psychotrophum herbaceum repens sylvaticcum, foliis subrotundo-cordatis oppositis, floribus paucioribus alaribus, laciniis corollae erecto-patentibus. Brown. jam. 7. p. 161.
Rondeletia foliis petiolatis, cordatis, caule repente. Linn. syst. A. p. 928.
Jasminum inodorum, repens, foliis violae Martiae. Plum. spec. 17.
Violae folio baccifera repens, flore albo pentapetaloide, fructu rubro dicocco. Sloan. hist. jam. 1. p. 243.
Pyrolae affinis malabarica. Pluk. alm. 309.
Karinta-Kali. Rheed. mal. 10. p. 41. t. 21.
Habitat copiose in uliginosis umbrosis circa vicum Roberti in Martinica. Decembri inveni flores & una fructus maturos numerosissimos ferentem." [Jacquin, Select. Stirp. Amer. Hist. 66. 1763].
D'après C.M. Taylor (2014 in Tropicos): "The type element of this name was also one of two elements cited for Rondeletia repens L. (1759), so for some time Psychotria herbacea was considered an illegitimate later homonym; however subsequently Rondeletia repens was lectotypified on the other element (Howard, 1989), so these are no longer nomenclaturally equivalent. The type of Psychotria herbacea has been incorrectly cited by several authors as Jacquin s.n. from Martinique and/or a figure based on specimen from Martinique."


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