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Rottboellia exaltata L.f., 1782 [nom. illeg. hom.], non (L.) Naezén, 1779

accepté comme Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.) Clayton, 1981


Date de publication : Suppl. Pl. 13-14, 114. 1781 [04/1782, fide TL-2, 4854].
Homonymie : non Rottboellia exaltata (L.) Naezén, Nov. Gram. Gen. 24, t. 1 [légende, p. 37]. 1779 [21/12/1779, fide TL-2, 6620] [≡ Aegilops exaltata L. Mant. Pl. 2: 575. 1771, ≡ R. corymbosa L.f. Suppl. Pl. 13-14, 114. 1782, ≡ Ophiuros exaltatus (L.) Kuntze 1891] (Inde, Malabar)!
"R. exaltata (L.) L.f. [Naezén!] (1779) was based on Aegilops exaltata L. (= Ophiuros exaltatus (L.) Kuntze), but was accompanied by a figure of quite a different species. Linnaeus corrected his mistake in 1781 [1782!], basing a new name R. corymbosa L.f. on A. exaltata, and retaining R. exaltata L.f. for the earlier figure, in which sense the name has been used ever since." (Clayton, Kew Bull. 35: 817-818. 1981).
Type : "Habitat in Indiis. Thunberg." [protologue].
Inde, Anonyme s.n. (LT: LINN-HL101-5 [ex hb. Thunberg; illustration originale: t. 1 [légende, p. 37], in Naezén, Nov. Gram. Gen. 24. 1779] [désigné par Clayton, Kew Bull. 35: 817. 1981]).


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