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Passiflora macrocarpa Linden ex Mast., 1869

accepté comme Passiflora quadrangularis L., 1759


Date de publication : Gard. Chron., 1869: 1012[-1013]. 1869 [25/09/1969, fide p. 1012].
Type : "M. Linden, to whom we owe the introduction of this Passion-flower to European gardens, thus speaks of it in a letter dated January 1867 : -
"This Passion-flower was discovered by my collector, M. Wallis, on the banks of the Rio Negro, between Manaos and Barcellos, about three, or it may be, four years ago. At that time M. Wallis wrote that the species acquired unusual dimensions, and that the fruits, which were highly esteemed in the country, attained a weight of 81lb." [...]
Finding in the Kew herbarium specimens of our plant gathered in Peru by the famous traveller Dr. Spruce, we next applied to that gentleman for information. Dr. Spruce, in reply, expressed some doubt as to whether P. macrocarpa we really wild in the locality indicated by M. Wallis.
"If," says Dr. Spruce, "M. Linden's collector sent from the Rio Negro a large-fruited Passiflora, I should say it had certainly been raised there from seeds brought from Peru. No such Passiflora, either wild or cultivated, was known in that region in my time; but since steamers have run up to the very roots of the Andes, I learn that the Brazilians have gor tfrom Peru the Banbonage, or Panama-hat Plant (Carludovicae sp.), and many others. In the lower eastern Andes a large-fruited Passiflora is commonly cultivated under the name of 'Tumbo," and the same species is still more largely grown on the western side of the Andes, in what is called the "coast region" of Peru. At Guayaquil, what seems the same kind is called "Badéa," but it may be distinct from the "Tumbo." These Passifloras have a fruit 9, or even 12, inches long, vers like that of the common Papaw, but blunter at each end, and very much heavier, bulk for bulk. There is a variety with longitudinally sulcate fruit. I suppose it may be the same as Jacquin's "P. quadrangularis, var. sulcata, fructu transversim sulcato," wherein the "transversim" is to be taken sensu mathematicorum, who call the longest diameter of an ellipse the transverse, for the fruit of this Passiflora is somewhat ellipsoidal. Not only are the seeds, envelopped in sweet mucilage, eaten, as they are in the common Granadillas, but the thick flesh is also eaten, after the manner of Melons and Papaws, to both of which its flavour slightly assimilates it, although it used to remind me more of a soft sourish-sweet Apple. In Peru the "Tumbo" is commonly trained over a horizontal trellis-work, raised high enough to allow of a man walking under it erect, but sometimes much higher, and only accessible by means of a ladder. The finest plants and the best-tasted ruits I have seen, were grown on the river Chira, in lat. 5° south. The priest of Amotape -a small village on that river- had a plant that must have covered 50 square yards. I have several times reposed in my hammock under its shade, and regaled on its fruit. That was in 1863, when I was invalided and had given up collecting. Even had I been still vigorous, I should, perhaps, not have preserved specimens of it, under the impression that it just already be well known in Europe. Its cultivation in Peru has existed probably for many centuries; there is no tradition of its introduction, and it is nowhere know wild."
Hence, then, we have evidence that the P. macrocarpa of our gardens is distinct from P. quadrangularis in many ponts, that it is cultivated in Peru, and has probably been introduced thence into the Amazon district. We have sen imperfect specimens from Venezuela, and from Central America, that we refer with some hesitation to this form.
The question remains, is this the big-fruited Granadilla of the West Indies, with transversely sulcate fruit, of which Jacquin speaks? This question we cannot answer positiviely." [protologue].
Type : Brésil, Amazonas, entre Manaus et Barcellos, sur les bords du Rio Negro où elle était vraisemblablement seulement cultivée, collectée par Wallis vers 1863-64, puis cultivée en Belgique par J.J. Linden, (ST: ??)
Pérou, R. Spruce (ST: K).


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