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Melastoma hirtum L., 1753

accepté comme Miconia crenata (Vahl) Michelang., 2017


Date de publication : Sp. Pl., 1: 390. 1753 [01/05/1753, fide TL-2, 4769].
Homonymie : non Miconia hirta Cogn., in Rusby, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club, 3(3): 31. 28/04/1893 (Bolivie, Yungas)!
Orthographe : Publié comme "hirta" orth. var.
Type : "3. Melastoma (hirta) foliis denticulatis lanceolatis quinquenervibus, caule hispido.
Grossularia plantaginis folio angustiore hirsuto. Plum[ier, Nov. Pl. Amer. Cat.] spec. 18. [27/04/1703, fide TL-2: 8067]
Arbuscula jamaicensis quinquenervis, minutissime dentatis foliis & caule pubescentibus. Pluk. alm. 40. t. 264. f. 1.
Habitat in America meridionali." [protologue].
Type non désigné!
Jamaïque, 1687-1689, H. Sloane s.n. (ST: illustration originale de Plukenet, pl. 264. f. 1, in Phytographia, Almagestum, 40. 1696 [1694 pour la planche, 1696 pour le texte, fide TL-2, 8064][d'après The Linnean Plant Name Typification Project basée sur BM-SL 99: 115; voir aussi BM000593942 [BM-SL 6: 96]).
D'après The Linnean Plant Name Typification Project: "Wickens (in Polhill, Fl. Trop. E. Africa, Melastomataceae: 74. 1975) indicated unspecified material in LINN as type, but 559.2 was a 1758 acquisition from Browne, and 559.3 was also received after 1753. Some later authors, too, have accepted one sheet or the other as the type but neither can be accepted as a neotype because original material is in existence."
D'après Judd et al. (J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 12(2): 524. 20/11/2018): Jamaïque, s. loc., P. Browne s.n. (LT: LINN 559.2 [désigné par R.A. Howard, 1989]).


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