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Marsdenia maculata Hook., 1847

accepté comme Ruehssia macrophylla (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Schult.) H.Karst., 1849


Date de publication : Bot. Mag., 73: t. 4299. 1847 [fide TL-2, 1290; 01/05/1847 d'après le texte].
Type : "This has been long cultivated in the stove of the Royal Gardens of Kew, as a new Asclepiadeous plant which had been sent by the late Mr. Lockhart of Trinidad, and we have received flowering plants from Messrs. Lucombe, Pince and Co., of the Exeter Nursery. In 1834 living plants were again transmitted to the Royal Gardens, by our Collector Mr. Purdie, from the plain of Santa Martha, New Granada. It seems a true Marsdenia and is remarkable for its large foliage, spotted with pale yellow, somewhat like the leaves of Aucuba Japonica, but with the spots more regular, more equi-distant, and less confluent. It is a great climber, and flowers readily in June: the flowers are of a dark purplish or liver colour, greenish when young, and thus the dense umbels have a mottled appearance. Their texture is rather fleshy, like those of Hoya." [protologue].
Amérique du Sud, origine précise inconnue (Trinidad, Venezuela, ou Santa Marta [Colombie]), plante cultivée au Jardin Botanique royal de Kew (LT: t. 4299 in W.J. Hooker, Bot. Mag., 73. 1847 [désigné par Espírito Santo et al., Kew Bulletin, 74(2): xx. 03/07/2019]).


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