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Malva spicata L., 1759

accepté comme Melochia spicata (L.) Fryxell, 1988


Date de publication : Syst. Nat. (ed. 10), 2: 1146. 1759 [05-06/1759, fide TL-2, 4794]. Voir aussi: Sp. Pl. (ed. 2), 2: 967. 1763 [07-08/1763, fide TL-2, 4817].
Type : "A. M. (spicata) fol. cordatis crenatis tomentosis, spicis oblongis hirtis. Sloan. jam. t. 138. f. 1." [protologue].
Jamaïque, "on Mount Diablo in the middle of the Island", H. Sloane s.n. (LT: illustration de "Althaea spicata, betonicae folio villosissimo" t. 138, f. 1 in Sloane, Voy. Jamaica, 1: 218. 1707 [fide TL-2, 12104] [désigné (cité comme "holotype") par Borssum Waalkes in Blumea 14(1): 154. 1966]; TT: BM000589858 [Herb. Sloane 4: 55; illustration de E. Kickius: BM000589857]).
D'après The Linnean Plant Name Typification Project: "Bates [sic! en fait S.R. Hill!] (in Rhodora 84(2): [187,] 196. 1982) treated material in Herb. Sloane (apparently in vol. 5: 56, BM-SL [BM000589861 et aussi BM000589860?]), identifiable as Malvastrum americanum (L.) Torrey, as the lectotype, but it was never seen by Linnaeus and is not original material for the name. Krapovickas & Cristobal (in Bonplandia 9: 257-258. 1997) argued that the type is 870.1 (LINN), another specimen of the same species, into the synonymy of which Malva spicata would then fall. However, the competing Sloane illustration is clearly an original element for the name and was formally chosen as the type by Borssum Waalkes in 1966. Later authors have not provided grounds for rejecting this choice. Sloane's plant is of the species formerly known as Melochia villosa (Mill.) Fawc. & Rendle, for which the new combination Melochia spicata (L.) Fryxell was made in 1988."


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