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Heliconia humilis auct. non (Aubl.) Jacq., 1797, sensu Jacq., 1797

accepté comme Heliconia bihai (L.) L., 1771


Date de publication : Pl. Hort. Schoenbr., 1: 23-24, t. 48-49. 1797 [fide TL-2, 3255].
Type : Mauvaise application du nom basé sur: Origine inconnue [côte caraïbe du Venezuela?], cultivé à Vienne, Jacquin s.n. (t. 48-49 in Jacq., Pl. Hort. Schoenbr., 1: 23-24. 1797 [fide TL-2, 3255][Heliconia bihai (L.) L. 1771, voir Andersson 1981; désigné comme lectotype de "Heliconia humilis Jacq. 1797" par erreur par L. Andersson, Nordic J. Bot., 1(6): 765. 1981]).
D'après L.Andersson (Taxon, 33(3): 524[-525]. 08/1984): "In 1797, Jacquin made the recombination Heliconia humilis, citing M. humilis Aubl. in synonymy. Erroneously but generally, this has been considered a new name (e.g. Index Kewensis, Andersson, 1981: 765). Jacquin provided a detailed description and an excellent illustration of a plant quite unrelated to H. psittacorum. The taxonomic interpretation of this Jacquinian plant may be debated, but it clearly belongs to the sect. Heliconia of subgen. Heliconia, whereas H. psittacorum belongs to subgen. Stenochlamys Baker. I consider the Jacquinian plant as a Venezuelan lowland morphotype of H. bihai (L.) L. (Andersson, 1981: 768-769). The impact of a good illustration is powerful: the name H. humilis has ever since been used in the Jacquinian sense, the only exception being Aristeguieta (1961), who used it for another species of sect. Heliconia, viz. H. stricta Huber (cf. Andersson, 1981: 776). The morphotype illustrated by Jacquin is commonly cultivated in tropical gardens, mostly under the name "Heliconia humilis Jacq." (cf., for example, Graf, 1963, 1978)."


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