Description originale : 6.
Amaryllis (
zeylanica) spatha multiflora, corollis campanulatis aequalibus, scapo tereti ancipiti. Roy. Lugdb. 36.
LilioNarcissus zeylanicus latifolius, flore niveo externe linea purpurea striato. Comm. hort. I. p. 73. t. 73.
LilioNarcissus africanus, scillae foliis, flore niveo linea purpurea striato. Ehret. pict.
5. f. 2 [Ehret, Pl. Papil. Rar.
t. 5, f. 2. 07/1748, fide
planche datée & TL-2,
Habitat in Zeylona. ♃
Type : (LT: "
Lilio-Narcissus Ceylanicus latifolius flore niveo, externe linea
purpurea striato" in Commelin, Hort. Med. Amstelod. Pl. Rar., 1: 73, t.
37, 1697 [désigné par Dassanayake
in Taxon, 30: 481. 1981]).
The Linnean Plant Name Typification Project: "Dassanayake rejects Nordal's typification (
in Norweg. J. Bot. 24: 189. 1977; Adansonia, sér. 2, 20: 187. 1980; Fl. Gabon 28: 38. 1986) on an Ehret plate cited by Linnaeus under the unnamed var. [beta] because Linnaeus questions whether or not it belongs to
A. zeylanicum. See also Wijnands (
in Bot. Commelins:
37. 1983, "The epithet '
zeylanica' and the habitat 'Zeylona' also indicate that Ehret's plate of an African plant did not contribute to Linnaeus' concept of
A. zeylanica). An image of the type is reproduced
in Jarvis (Order out of Chaos: 250. 2007)."