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Zornia reticulata Sm., 1818


Date de publication : Cycl., 39(77): Zornia no. 2. 1819 [30/12/1818, fide TL-2, 8755, p. 633].
Statut biogéographique : Pour la Guyane française, Mohlenbrock (1961) ne cite pas de spécimen, mais indique : "Zornia reticulata is the most widespread and most variable of all species of Zornia. It ranges from southern United States through the West Indies and Central America to Paraguay." Fortuna-Perez (2009) cite plusieurs spécimens: "Cayenne, 2/5/1985, fl.fr., C. Ferrillet s.n. (US3096022); idem, 1859, fl., Sagot s.n. (P); idem, 1872, Huet 120 (P); idem, 1872, Huet 36 (P); idem, 1872, Huet 37 (P); Savane Mamaribo, 26/5/1989, M. Hoff & G. Cremers 5651 (US); s.loc., 1792, Leblond s.n. (P); s.loc., 1876, E. Mélimon-Maroni 44 (P); s.loc., 14/6/1921, H. Wachenheim 340 (P); s.loc., 14/8/1961, R. Schnell 11125 (P);"
Type : "2. Z. reticulata. [...] (Hedysarum diphyllum β; Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 3. 1178. δ; Lamarck Dict. v. 6. 404. H. diphyllum; Swartz Obs. 285. H. n. 10; Browne Jam. 301, excluding the synonyms. H. minus diphyllum, flore luteo; Sloane Jam. v. 1. 185.) [...] Native of dry sandy parts of the savannahs of Jamaica. Our specimens are from Browne himself." [protologue].
Jamaïque, P. Browne s.n. (LT: LINN 921.23 [désigné par Dandy & Milne-Redhead in Kew Bull., 17(1): 74. 1963]).


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