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Spermacoce prostrata Aubl., 1775


Identification : D'après Taylor & Steyermark (in Berry et al. 2004): "characterized by its cartilaginous capsules and its seeds ornamented with about 8 longitudinal rows of rounded relatively large pits."
Statut biogéographique : En Guyane française, il s'agit probablement du taxon inféodé aux milieux primaires de l’intérieur où on le trouve régulièrement en bord de crique.
Taxonomie : D'après Delprete (2015): "There have been contrasting opinions as to the circumscription of Spermacoce ocymoides Burm.f. According to several authors (e.g., Adams in Burger & Taylor, 1993; Lorence, 1999; Delprete, 2010; Adams & Taylor, 2012) this taxon is restricted to the Paleotropics. On the other hand, Cabral & Bacigalupo (1996) treated Borreria ocymoides as broadly delimited and including several Neotropical taxa. Spermacoce prostrata is here treated in the narrower sense as a separate species (i.e., not synonymous with S. ocymoides) restricted to the Neotropics."
Type : Guyane française, bords des fleuves et rivières, “ad ripas fluviorum”, 1762-1764, Aublet s.n. (LT: P-JJR 3: 118E [désigné par Lanjouw & Uittien, in Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl. 37: 158. 1940]).


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