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Polygala planellasii Molinet & M.Gómez, 1890

accepté comme Asemeia ovata (Poir.) J.F.B.Pastore & J.R.Abbott, 2012


Autorité : Parfois notée "Molinet & M.Gómez ex M.Gómez, 1890", Pastore & Abbott (2012) citent: "Molinet & M.Gómez in M.Gómez 1890".
Date de publication : Anales Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 19: 233. 1890.
Orthographe : Décrit comme "Polygala Planellasi" orth. var.
Synonymie : Blake (1917, p. 68) indique: "The species [P. planellasi] is apparently the same as that to which the name P. violacea Aubl., clearly described and figured as with a cristate keel, is most unaccountably referred by Chodat."
Type : Nom de remplacement pour Polygala peduncularis A.Rich. 1841, nom. illeg. hom. [non Burch. ex DC. 1824!].


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