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Lindernia microcalyx Pennell & Stehlé, 1938


Source de la synonymie
Lewis, D. Q. 2000. A revision of the New World species of Lindernia (Scrophulariaceae). Castanea, 65(2): 93-122. [CD_REF = 630040] Lindernia microcalyx Pennell & Stehlé, 1938
Date de publication : Fl. Guadeloupe Dépend. 2(1): 217-220, f. 1937 [05/1938].
Taxonomie : D'après Fischer et al. (2013) la divergence moléculaire est importante entre L. rotundifolia et L. microcalyx et selon eux: "Lewis (2000) placed this species into the synonymy of Lindernia rotundifolia. However, our analysis shows that it differs from typical L. rotundifolia (Fig. 4, 5) and it is therefore reinstated here. Probably L. rotundifolia s.l. comprises several taxa, and a critical revision of the complex is required."
Type : Guadeloupe, Camp-Jacob (Saint-Claude), aux alentours de l'Hopital, hélophyte et rhéophile (fossés bas-fonds, bord fontaines, ruisseaux), 500 m, 18/11/1937, H. & M. Stehlé 2280 (HT: PH [PH00015245?]; IT: BM000953397, BRIT23779, CAS0003218, F0072509F, GH00078617, GH00078618, MO-716052, NY00090637, UC, US01095126, US00122538, WTU-V-000892).


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