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Kyllinga pumila Michx., 1803

accepté comme Cyperus hortensis (Salzm. ex Steud.) Dorr, 2014


Date de publication : Fl. Bor.-Amer., 1: 28-29. 1803 [19/03/1803, fide TL-2, 5958].
Homonymie : non Cyperus pumilus L. 1756 (Pakistan, sect. Pycreus)!
Type : "Hab. in Shavanensium regione, ad amnem Scioto." [protologue].
USA, sud Illinois, 08/1795, Michaux s.n. (HT: P00255084 [photo: DUKE]; IT: P [photo: DUKE]).
D'après R.D. Henry (Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 97(2), 2004): "The type location of Kyllinga pumila was given by Michaux (1803) as Hab. In Shavanensium regione, ad amnem Scioto which is referred to as Shawannestown, Illinois. Ewan (1979) stated there is now no doubt that Shavanensium regione, ad amnem Scioto of Michaux refers to the region of the Shawnee Indians in southern Ohio. Thus, this locality at the junction of the Scioto and Ohio Rivers was not in Illinois, but rather was in south-central Ohio. Therefore Michaux's location is not the original report for this species in Illinois nor can Illinois be the type locality for this plant."


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