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[ Mot de passe perdu ]

Tamarix pentandra Pall., 1788

accepté comme Tamarix gallica L., 1753


Nomenclature :
​Nom. illeg. superfl. versus Tamarix gallica L., 1753
Nomenclature :
Pallas did not cite T. gallica L. (Sp. Pl. 1: 270. 1753) as a synonym ; he, however, mentioned: Tamarix floribus pentandris. Lin. Syst. pl. I. p. 739. Sp. 1. Pallas's citation Tamarix floribus pentandris refers to the phrase name of T. gallica and his citation Lin. Syst. pl. I. p. 739. Sp. 1. refers to: Reichard, Syst. Pl. 1: 739. 1779 (under Tamarix, T. gallica is the species no. 1).

     Références : IPNI (2000-)


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