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Acalypha wilkesiana Müll.Arg., 1866


Distribution : ​Originaire des îles Fidji (Mélanésie) (Sagun et al. 2010; Cardiel et al. 2022).​
Taxonomie : D'après Cardiel et al. (2022): "Two species, Acalypha hispida and A. wilkesiana (sometimes treated as A. amentacea subsp. wilkesiana (Müll.Arg.) Fosberg), were first collected in Melanesia and are known only in cultivation. Acalypha hispida is cultivated for its long, red, pendent pistillate inflorescences (no staminate material is known, and the plant is propagated solely from cuttings), which are unique in the genus in having the flowers arranged in dense inflorescences consisting of many-flowered, bracteate glomerules, similar to the arrangement of staminate flowers in most Acalypha species (G. Levin pers. obs.), suggesting a homeotic mutation in its evolution. In contrast, A. wilkesiana is monoecious with unisexual inflorescences; it is cultivated for its showy, usually multicolored and sometimes misshapen leaves. Although Pax and Hoffmann (1924) treated these species in separate “sections” within “ser. Pantogynae-Pleurogynae” (“sect. Caturoideae” and “sect. Palminerviae,” respectively), our phylogenetic results show the two species to be closely related to each other and to A. amentacea var. palauensis, also from the southwestern Pacific (Micronesia), with very little sequence divergence among them (Fig. 3B). Furthermore, there is evidence that A. hispida and A. wilkesiana can hybridize (Sandhack 1908), which is rare in Acalypha (G. Levin pers. obs.). The three taxa are imbedded within a very strongly supported clade containing two other Melanesian species (A. grandis and A. hellwigii) that in turn is part of a very strongly supported clade with the Australian A. nemorum."
Type : Fiji ["in insulis Fidji"],s.d., Wilkes Expedition [U.S. Expl. Exped. under Capt. Wilkes] s.n. (LT: G00324021 & G00324022 [ex hb. DC.; lectotype désigné par Cardiel et al., 2022]; ILT: GH00045512, K000959008, US00096423, US00096424).
B.C.Seeman s.n. (ST: GH, US0096425).


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